The K.U.G Comps – a developmental approach to driver training


A teaching model for driver trainers that encourages deeper and more holistic learning than the basic ‘Core Comps’…

The starting point for any aspect of driver training is to work from our pupils existing / observed ‘known’

The starting point for our input into our learners training is to work from our pupils existing / observed ‘Unknown’

Helping our pupils to fill in their ‘gaps’ to develop their awareness and understanding of vehicle control, driving in traffic, how context of journeys can impact on their motivations and how their motives can increase risk whilst also developing raised-awareness of their motives and motivations when things go well…together with self-awareness of their coping strategies and impulse controls in other areas of their lives.

In this way our pupils have ‘the tools to understand the reality’ in ways that teaching around ‘Core Comps’ never will.

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